Code smells in CSS – CSS Wizardry – CSS, OOCSS, front-end architecture, performance and more, by Harry Roberts

Code smells in CSS – CSS Wizardry – CSS, OOCSS, front-end architecture, performance and more, by Harry Roberts. Reading this, I hang my head in shame as I recognize things I am guilty of. There are CSS tools like which purport to automate helping you write better CSS. It’s easy to think that CSSLint is […]

A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Images: How they Almost Worked and What We Need

A List Apart: Articles: Responsive Images: How they Almost Worked and What We Need. Unfortunately, we can’t test bandwidth in any reliable way—not yet, at least. Testing would likely mean introducing a significant download to measure against, which is a lot like setting something on fire to see exactly how flammable it is.

* { box-sizing: border-box } FTW « Paul Irish

* { box-sizing: border-box } FTW « Paul Irish. I’ve been using the box-sizing rule selectively, usually when getting form elements to stretch to 100% without having to worry about what their internal padding is going to do to the mix. I’m not sure why I never thought to just apply it everything and switch […]